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Why Fall is the Best Time to Remodel Swimming Pools

Posted by Blue Haven Pools & Spas on Nov 2, 2015 2:49:00 PM

5 Potential Benefits to Upgrading your Backyard Resort this Autumn

As the warm days of summer transform into the crisp days of fall, you may notice that your in-ground pool needs some TLC: Fall is the perfect season for starting your swimming pool renovation. 

Remodeling in autumn can provide some specific advantages over doing so at other times of the year. Let’s look at some reasons why.

freeform Gunite Pool

1.   A fall pool remodel may minimize the amount of time lost using your backyard resort. 

Fall typically means that pool season is winding down or coming to a close. Most families cut back on the amount of time spent swimming, and in colder climates, they cease pool use altogether.

If you live in a warmer region, or if your pool has a heater and/or a cover, you may have a longer swim season—possibly one that runs virtually year round. If you have a spa, you might use it for more time as well. However, even in the best of circumstances, pool use drops at least partially once fall comes.

While your pool is under a construction overhaul, you won’t be able to use it. However, if you are not in it anyway or are less than usual, it’s the ideal time to take it out of commission for a facelift.

2. Renovation in the off season may save money.

When the weather cools, so does consumer demand for pool construction projects. Remodel companies consider fall as their off season. With this in mind, the basic economic principle of supply and demand could work in your favor when it comes to getting renovation bids.

During the high-demand months of spring and summer, pool companies usually have plenty of work. They can be choosy when determining which remodel projects to take on and how much to charge. However, in the fall, builders are usually slower and may be more aggressive seeking new work. They have crews and subcontractors who they want to keep busy. Consequently, an off-season remodel may enable you to negotiate a better deal.

In addition, there is an extra consideration if your remodel will likely include equipment replacement: typically, the new year brings increases in the cost of goods, particularly from manufacturers of major equipment like pumps, filters, cleaners, heaters, lighting, and control devices. By completing your pool modernization this fall—as opposed to waiting until next year—you may avoid the price hikes.

3. Your project may go smoother and finish quicker.

Everyone wants their home improvement project to go quickly and with minimum fuss. The reality for many contractors is that the busier they are, the greater the opportunity for delays and for hiccups.

When you hire a company to renovate your pool during the spring, they not only have peak numbers of clients, but have clients who are clamoring to have their new pool or remodel completed in time for Memorial Day—the unofficial start of swim season in many areas. Wait until summer, and you will be thrown into the mix of customers who want their pool done by July Fourth or for Labor Day.

The strategic move is remodel in the fall. Your contractor’s office staff and field crews will be under less overall pressure, and your project has better odds of receiving more personalized attention and an extra level of care for craftsmanship.

4. A fall makeover means your updated pool will be ready for spring. 

As soon as the weather warms, you want to be able to use your pool. Boost the chances that your backyard resort will be up and running by then by taking action now. Instead of waiting until January or February like so many other pool owners do, be smart and avoid the rush.

When pool companies face the pre-season onslaught, they must accommodate multiple clients. That can mean delays. In fact, at the outset, you could be told that your project will not even be started for certain amount of time because so many other jobs are already ahead of yours.

It may be worse: Once pool season is underway with homeowners building new pools—usually starting in February or March—many builders will not even take on a renovation project; they will tell you outright that they will be happy to do your work, but not until after Labor Day.

5. A fall project minimizes impact on your backyard landscaping—or even compliments it. 

Fall is the perfect time to change and replace the plants, shrubs, and other landscape features around your pool and backyard. In various areas throughout the U.S., the fall months are perfect for planting. By making the additions in autumn, your new plantings have ample time to extend their roots before spring—when you increase the amount of time spent enjoying your backyard. The Farmers’ Almanac provides information about garden varieties and the best time for planting each.

Coordinating a landscape refresh with a pool makeover can be helpful in other ways. While minor updating on a pool, such as new tile and coping, should not disturb landscaping, that may not be the case with a more extensive makeover.

Jobs that include decking and ones that are complex and require various construction crews and heavy machinery coming into the yard may impact surrounding greenery as well. Therefore, it’s wise to schedule these two backyard updates to run at the same time, with new landscaping going in after the pool work is completed.

With these benefits in mind, plan ahead. While other pool owners are focused on holiday shopping, book a contractor to start your pool overhaul. By seizing the opportunity this fall, you beat the spring-time pool remodel rush, get a jump start on swim season, and maximize your family’s days of sun-splashed, backyard fun!

Topics: Remodeling, Equipment/Technology, Construction, Buyer Tips, Maintenance


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